Alumnus at Elon University
Class of 2020
Current: Bellevue, WA
Hometown: Bellevue, WA
Major: Finance
Secondary Major: Economics Consulting
Minor: Accounting
My most memorable Elon experience was Convocation because it was the first time my whole class was together and a great way to start off my Elon college career.
My favorite Elon tradition is College Coffee because it is a great chance to see what is going on around campus from other organizations I may not necessarily be involved in, but may want to be involved in, and it is also a great opportunity to run into people as well as enjoy some free breakfast!
I chose Elon because of the people. I felt as though many Elon students are very passionate about many activities and organizations, and I wanted to be a part of an environment that encouraged me to get involved in what I am really interested in. I feel like people at Elon, both students and staff, are very supportive and engaged in the school and the community, and that was what I was looking for in a school.