Alumnus at Elon University
Class of 2021
Current: Greensboro, NC
Major: Strategic Communications
Secondary Major: Political Science
Minor: Public Policy
My most memorable Elon experience is a Burst The Bubble (BTB) class I took over my first Winter term which was themed after the television show “Survivor.” BTB courses are non-credit student led classes and they’re a great chance to just try something new and shake up your schedule! In the Survivor course, we were separated into 2 tribes as we competed in challenges and voted people out. I sadly got voted off and came in 9th out of 18th, but it was so fun and I met some really amazing friends!
My favorite Elon tradition is definitely Holiday Luminaries because it’s the perfect way to celebrate the holiday season! I absolutely love seeing the lights across the entire campus while drinking hot chocolate or apple cider and listening to live music with your friends. There’s nothing like Luminaries to put me in the holiday spirit and make me feel even more at home!
I chose Elon because the moment I stepped on campus for the first time I knew that this is where I belonged. I loved the small class sizes, a long history of traditions, a sense of community and not to mention the beautiful campus. And as a Communications student, the addition of Schar Hall and the Snow Atrium was another huge pull factor.