Alumnus at Elon University
Class of 2019
Current: Roanoke, VA
Major: Biochemistry
My favorite Elon Tradition is the acorn at convocation and the oak sapling at graduation because it is such a meaningful tradition. I will always cherish my acorn as a representation of who I was when I started my Elon journey and I cannot wait to look at my oak sapling and think of the the ways I have grown and changed during my time at Elon.
My most memorable Elon experience is helping with move-in day. It is such an exciting day as new students and parents begin their Elon journey and it is so cool to think of all of the experiences that lie ahead for those students.
I chose Elon because I loved the emphasis on learning beyond the classroom. I knew that coming to Elon would present me with so many oportunities that would enrich my college experience and make it so much more than just 4 years of sitting in class.