Alumnus at Elon University
Class of 2021
Current: Georgetown, MA
Major: Political Science
Concentration: Europe
Secondary Major: International & Global Studies
Minor: Leadership Studies
My favorite Elon tradition is the annual Cram Jam event which is sponsored by Student Union Board during finals week. It is a really fun way to spend time with the student body in comfy clothes, eating all the snacks they feed you, and playing old school arcade games. It is a nice reminder that though classes can get overwhelming at times, everyone is in the same boat and there to support one another.
My most memorable Elon experience was my Student Government retreat! It was my first month into Elon and the entire Student Government Association went up to Asheville and stayed on the lake. We did workshops on inclusivity and diversity, swam in the lake, and played Man Hunt for literally 4 hours. Elon does an amazing job at including First-Years into student organizations, and it was that trip that I met some of my best friends.
I chose Elon because of my tour guide! I was living abroad in The Netherlands at the time and I was really nervous I wouldn't fit in at an American college. My entire tour he was cracking jokes about all the bike racks on campus I could store my Dutch bike, and it was then I knew that Elon was a place that I would accept me and celebrate all my crazy adventures! I didn't have to worry about conforming into anything to fit in.