Alumnus at Elon University
Class of 2023
Current: Berwyn, PA
Major: Communication Design
Concentration: Peace Corps Prep
Secondary Major: Human Service Studies
A week before Spring Break my first year, my friends and I had brought out a hammock near Lake Mary Nell. We sat, listened to music, painted and enjoyed the beautiful weather. A couple months before that, when I moved into college on my 18th birthday I was so nervous that a dorm in North Carolina wouldn't feel like home. But, that moment on the hammock I realized how much I was dreading leaving Elon and how far I had come in such a short period of time.
Due to my struggles with mental health, college wasn't always a guarantee for me. I knew wherever I went had to understand that I wasn't just a student, I was a human. At Elon education is so much more than a classroom, and that meant the world to me!
Acorns! When I was looking at colleges I used to say I wanted to go somewhere that had trees and lots of them, who knew I would end up somewhere named after one! I love the tradition of getting acorns at Convocation and an Oak Sapling at Graduation, because Elon is a place where you grow:)