
Jonas O.

Alumnus at Elon University

Class of 2021

Current: Chattanooga, TN

Hometown: Seminole, FL

Major: Cinema and Television Arts

Minor: Leadership Studies

My favorite Elon Tradition is .... Because...

I love the tradition of 'borrowing' a brick from somewhere at Elon before you graduate. It's always fun to hear people's stories of where and when they got their bricks, and hear surprisingly well-thought-out philosophies behind if one should take one, how many, when, and where.

I chose Elon because...

I felt like I could do anything here. Coming in from high school, I had no idea what my passions were or what I wanted to do with my life. I knew that, at Elon, I would have time to figure it out and try out different things!

My most memorable Elon experience?

I'll always remember the first org fair I went to, a couple weeks into the fall of my freshman year. I was a terrified high schooler who had no idea what interested me and was extremely anxious around people I didn't know, but I forced myself to go anyways. I found an interesting looking club - Please Clap Improv - met a few members, and joked around with the president. I decided to go to a meeting. Now, two years later, that club has defined my experience so far at Elon, and I've met so many kind and hilarious people through it. I frequently think back to that moment, and how grateful I am that it happened.

I'm passionate about...

Comedy Reading Philosophy Writing Animals

I'm involved with...

Improv Alpha Phi Omega Service Faternity Sketch Comedy WSOE Student Radio screenwriting
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