Alumnus at Elon University
Class of 2018
Current: Pittsburgh, PA
Major: Finance
Secondary Major: Accounting
My favorite Elon Tradition is the luminaries! At the end of the ceremony, all the lights on the trees across campus light up. It is one of the most beautiful ways to celebrate the beginning of the holiday season!
I wanted to find a school that would provide me with the academic, technical knowledge necessary to be successful in whatever career path I chose. I also was looking for a school that would help me grow outside the classroom, and the Experiential Learning Requirments provided that for me. Looking back as a senior, I have no regrets!
My most memorable experience at Elon was studying abroad in Florence, Italy during my junior year. I was challenged to see the world in a new light by my photography professor and saw the Italian referendum unfold right before my eyes. During my free weekends, I got the chance to ski in the Italian Alps and spend a week hiking in Switzerland. After the trip, I came back a better person with a ton of fun stories!