
Jack J.

Alumnus at Elon University

Class of 2020

Current: Manhattan Beach, CA

Major: Finance

Secondary Major: Policy Studies

My favorite Elon Tradition is .... Because...

My favorite Elon tradition is the Winter Tree Lighting because of the warmth it always brings to campus.

I chose Elon because...

I chose Elon because of the freedom the school could provide me. Everything from the curriculum to the faculty encourages you to explore and personalize your education.

My most memorable Elon experience?

Waking up to the first snow of winter last year was by far my most memorable experience. Between the beauty it provided campus and the snow days it provided me, those falling white flakes took my breath away.

I'm passionate about...

Debate Conversations Reading Politics International Relations Student Government School Spirit Volleyball

I'm involved with...

Student Government Beta Theta Pi North Carolina Student Legislature Challenge Course Model United Nations Intramurals
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