Alumnus at Elon University
Class of 2018
Current: Millersville, MD
Major: Political Science
Concentration: Pre-law track
Minor: Entrepreneurship, Psychology, and Leadership Studies
My most memorable experience at Elon was during Homecoming Weekend my first year. A woman came to my room and asked me if she could come inside. At first, I thought this was a little bizarre but I went along with it. After walking around and scanning the room, the woman had said that she had lived in my room in West, 37 years ago. She also said not much had changed in the building, which I thought was hysterical. Thankfully, now it has since been renovated. But, this small conversation has made such an impact on my life. I realized in that moment that Elon was going to be so much more than four years of my life. Almost forty years later this woman still looks at West 214 as her home. The community here at Elon is incredible and I am so blessed to be able to attend a University that focuses so much on a lifelong belonging to that community.
My favorite tradition is Move In Day. I love being an environment where we are literally watching the future of Elon enter our college campus for the first time. In the moments when the students arrive, I know what amazing experiences that are going to be in store for them (I reminisce on my own). And it brings my heart absolute joy to know that these students picked to come to the best place in the world to spend their next four years.
Although it is crazy now for me to think about... Elon was not my college dream school when I had arrived in August of my first year. I ultimately chose Elon because the students seemed very genuine and I did notice something different about this college campus that stood out to me - the people and their clear love for the institution. Now, the great irony is I can't stand to waste the moments I still have left here. To my surprise, Elon has surpassed all the expectations of what I had wanted in my "college dream school". I would consider my time at Elon the most valuable experience of my life. Elon has provided me with the necessary tools to sharpen my skills and taught me unforeseen knowledge about this diverse world, people, and concepts that will enable me to become more successful in my life when I graduate. Post-grad, I hope to attend a prestigious law school and one day go into criminal prosecution to help children that have been going through difficult situations. If it were not for an American Government class I took my first semester with an outstanding professor, I do not know if I would have ever found this passion.