Alumnus at Elon University
Class of 2022
Current: Lexington, SC
Hometown: Lexington, SC
Major: Acting
Secondary Major: Arts Administration
Minor: Business
My most memorable Elon experience was my first J-term of freshman year. I made some of my closest friends during that time and I was working as an understudy on a show that I was excited about.
My favorite tradition is the Cram Jam right before exams because it offers such a sense of community and fun during what is conventionally the most stressful time of the semester. It is great to be able to take a break from studying to go eat and hang out with friends.
I chose Elon because of the focus on close relationships with professors and the strong sense of community developed here. Elon's sense of value placed on each student is something that has helped me grow both professionally and individually, which is something I don't feel like I can get anywhere else.