Alumnus at Elon University
Class of 2023
Current: Charlotte, NC
Major: Communication Design
Secondary Major: Strategic Communications
Minor: Professional Writing Studies
My most memorable experience at Elon was the Diwali celebration in November. I was worried about the holiday because it was my first one ever away from home, but the event turned out to be great! I was able to share stories about my family's traditions, watch live singing and dancing and enjoy authentic Indian food! The celebration was a big success, and it made me feel like I could keep my traditions alive, even if I was away from home. I cannot wait for the next one!
My favorite tradition is College Coffee! It's a great way to start off my Tuesday mornings because I get to meet up with friends and professors, learn about upcoming events and of course, enjoy a great cup of coffee!
I chose Elon because the atmosphere here is very open and inviting! I love how I can broaden my horizons through so many unique opportunities and have so much support from friends and faculty. Elon is the kind of place where you can meet great people just by walking to class, which is one of the reasons I knew the school would be a great fit for me!