
Caroline S.

Alumnus at Elon University

Class of 2023

Current: St.Louis, MO

Major: Elementary Education

Minor: Early Childhood Education, Psychology

My favorite Elon Tradition is .... Because...

I love luminaries! I love seeing all the lights around campus and being able to learn about the many different holidays students and faculty celebrate.

My most memorable Elon experience?

My most memorable experience at Elon was going through recruitment in the spring and running home to my new sisters on bid day. I found a group of incredible women that support and uplift me.

I chose Elon because...

Elon checked all my boxes. It had the perfect student to faculty ratio, an amazing education school, great study abroad options and a beautiful campus.

I'm passionate about...

I love making people feel welcome and seeing them smile. I love talking I love to spend time with my family I love children and I enjoy making people happy

I'm involved with...

Greek Life Elonthon Dance Marathon Parents Night Out The Village Project
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