

Alumnus at Elon University

Class of 2022

Current: Elon, NC

Hometown: Cleveland Heights, OH

Major: Entrepreneurship

Minor: Leadership Studies

I chose Elon because...

For me to succeed in school I need to have close relationship with my teachers. I don't do well in large classrooms, so Elon's small classrooms were perfect for me.

My most memorable Elon experience?

My most memorable Elon experience was when my little brother came down to visit. It was really nice seeing him since we hadn't seen each other in a while. I really loved showing him around campus and spending time with him.

My favorite Elon Tradition is .... Because...

My favorite Elon tradition is the acorn and sapling tradition. When we first come to Elon you get an acorn and when you graduate you get an oak sapling. I like how it symbolizes how much we have grown as people throughout our time at Elon. I also love how we only get a sampling because we are going to grow a lot more after college.

I'm passionate about...

Movies Sports

I'm involved with...

Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellow Elon Phoenix Weekly
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