
Anika W.

Alumnus at Elon University


Class of 2022

Current: Oak Park, IL

Major: Acting

Secondary Major: Arts Administration

Minor: Spanish

My favorite Elon Tradition is .... Because...

My favorite Elon tradition is the Festival of Holiday Lights because the sense of community comes at a perfect time. It's so calming and uplifting to take an hour, or even ten minutes, away from the stress of the academic year and gather with the Elon community to celebrate the season. The campus transforms under the lights and the luminaries make Elon feel even more like home.

My most memorable Elon experience?

While it may sound counter intuitive at first, my most memorable Elon experience was the day I moved out at the end of my first year. I vastly underestimated the difficulty of moving myself out and the amount of stuff I had crammed into that dorm room. My best friends saved the day at the last minute, helping me vacuum and pushing huge carts of luggage all the way across campus. Crying with my best friends in the dorm parking lot as my Uber driver waited impatiently for our final hugs put into perspective how much I had grown since moving in and how lucky I am to love so deeply the life I have created at Elon.

I chose Elon because...

I chose Elon because the people I met through my application and admission process were people I could not imagine not seeing every day. They already felt like my friends, like they were supposed to be in my life. That sense of love and the opportunity to both receive rigorous acting training and explore other subjects made Elon home.

I'm passionate about...

Theatre Chicago Blackhawks Taylor Swift Social Justice Survivor

I'm involved with...

Theatre Alpha Chi Omega Worker at Campus Rec
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