Alumnus at Elon University
Class of 2019
Current: Summit, NJ
Major: Music Production and Recording Arts
Secondary Major: Music in the Liberal Arts
Minor: Communications
The President's Annual Holiday Party because it's a really great time to get dressed up, hang out with friends and the president of Elon, have way too much free (good) food, and get a picture with the current Elon President. It's also scheduled right before finals so it's a great way to keep us going into the end of the semester.
My most memorable Elon experience would probably have to be Elon in LA, which is a study abroad experience I participated in for Summer 2017. Taking a class, having major-related internships, and being able to explore the "entertainment capital of the world" was a great way to spend the summer with other Elon students. It allowed me to meet/network with current Elon students and alums, get first-hand experience with my major, and see if LA would be a viable place to start a career after I graduate in Spring 2019.
it really just felt like home as soon as I set foot on campus in high school. In addition, I met with a handful of music faculty on my first visit and they were incredibly friendly and helpful and made me really feel like I would fit in well on campus both in and out of my major (disclaimer: they were right, I did fit in incredibly well).