
Andrew M.

Alumnus at Elon University

Class of 2019

Current: Summit, NJ

Major: Music Production and Recording Arts

Secondary Major: Music in the Liberal Arts

Minor: Communications

My favorite Elon Tradition is .... Because...

The President's Annual Holiday Party because it's a really great time to get dressed up, hang out with friends and the president of Elon, have way too much free (good) food, and get a picture with the current Elon President. It's also scheduled right before finals so it's a great way to keep us going into the end of the semester.

My most memorable Elon experience?

My most memorable Elon experience would probably have to be Elon in LA, which is a study abroad experience I participated in for Summer 2017. Taking a class, having major-related internships, and being able to explore the "entertainment capital of the world" was a great way to spend the summer with other Elon students. It allowed me to meet/network with current Elon students and alums, get first-hand experience with my major, and see if LA would be a viable place to start a career after I graduate in Spring 2019.

I chose Elon because...

it really just felt like home as soon as I set foot on campus in high school. In addition, I met with a handful of music faculty on my first visit and they were incredibly friendly and helpful and made me really feel like I would fit in well on campus both in and out of my major (disclaimer: they were right, I did fit in incredibly well).

I'm passionate about...

Coffee Music Concerts Social Media Movie/TV Outdoors Vine :(

I'm involved with...

Elon Music Ambassadors Elon in Los Angeles Internship Leadership Study USA
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