
Lexi H.

Alumnus at Elon University

Class of 2018

Current: Norton Shores, MI

Major: Psychology

Secondary Major: Drama & Theatre Studies

Minor: Communications

My favorite Elon Tradition is .... Because...

My favorite Elon tradition is new student convocation under the oaks because it is the official beginning of your journey at Elon! The symbolism of the acorn (followed by the oak at graduation) is so beautiful to me, so the ceremony itself is equally as special. I keep my acorn on my desk to this day because it reminds me that I am still growing and have all the potential within me already. I just have to grow!

I chose Elon because...

The community at Elon was one of the biggest selling points for me. I wanted an academically rigorous school, but I also wanted a place where I was known as more than a number. Getting to really know my classmates and professors has been such an amazing opportunity that has absolutely made my Elon experience what it is.

My most memorable Elon experience?

My most memorable Elon experience is so difficult to choose because there are so many! I guess the top one would be my role as Training Coordinator of New Student Orientation's Head Staff. The leadership position allowed for so much personal and professional growth and taught me countless transferable skills that I will always carry with me. The amount of growth I experienced in the year I held the position was truly incredible to reflect upon. (And it helps that it was a lot of fun! I found my favorite community on campus through it.)

I'm passionate about...

Theatre Industrial Organizational Psychology Travel Crafting Reading Faith Social Justice Singing Playing the Flute Service Leadership Planning Dogs

I'm involved with...

InterVarsity Head Staff for New Student Orientation Renegade Productions Alpha Psi Omega Omicron Delta Kappa Honorary Phi Kappa Phi Psi Chi Honors Society Teaching Assistant Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society Global Ambassadors Stage Management Directing Dramaturgy Props Master Student Soloist
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