Alumnus at Elon University
Class of 2018
Current: San Mateo, CA
Hometown: San Mateo, CA
Major: Sport Management
Minor: Spanish, Business Administration
Nothing compares to my sophomore year when I stood on my feet for 24 straight hours for Elonthon to raise money for Duke Children's Hospital. To see our entire community come together and make a tangible difference in the lives of children who desperately need it was something I will always remember.
I was looking for a school that was known for genuine, good people, possessed Division I sports, and was a place that I would not feel like just a number. After taking my tour of Elon, it not only hit on each category, but made me feel at home more so than any other school I visited.
My favorite Elon tradition is the President's Holiday party at his house because you get to take a picture with him, which is put on a card and sent to my family.